Thursday, January 12, 2012

How harmful are the emissions from cars compared to cigarette smoke?

in class some girl was reading her essay on how tobacco should be illegal and it made me wonder how harmful the smoke is compared to cars. does the cigarette smoke cause the same kind of problems as car emissions (ie. lung cancer/emphysema)?How harmful are the emissions from cars compared to cigarette smoke?
the cigarette smoke is way worse than car emissions
just google all the ingredients in cigarettes and vehicles and you will see cigs have WAY more carcinogensHow harmful are the emissions from cars compared to cigarette smoke?
Depends on the car, I drank emissions from a hydrogen powered bus because it was pure water, but most cars are gasoline powered cars, and produce emissions from a combustion reaction, which is poisonous. Basically if you were sealed in a room with car exaust coming out in there you would die in hours, compared to the cigarette smoke it takes so much more time. Basically car exaust is worse, do not breath it, since it is deadly to your health, moreso than cigarette smokeHow harmful are the emissions from cars compared to cigarette smoke?
emissions from cars....
both are bad but cigarettes are way worse because of all the chemicals in them.
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