Sunday, January 1, 2012

Is it normal/acceptable for dieticians to compare their patients to cars?

I went to a dietician today and she compared me to a cadillac, and little old ladies were VW's and really tall men were hummers.

Is there something wrong with that?|||A little, I think

but think of it this way...Cadillac's are nice rides!|||a guy called a "hummer"? Are you a sports caddy? Or an old granny one? I dont know about a dietician saying these things. any other good advice? i need better eating habits.|||

So is a 6 foot Tall Man Considered a Hummer ?

Your Dietitian is a Strange Bird....but How About I Go For a Ride in Your Cadillac and Get a Hummer !

So Smiling ! |||I think there is something wrong with the doc, she needs to stay away from car shows|||That woman is a certified idiot.

Does she have a degree from one of those study at home places?|||it is wrong not acceptable

|||No, she is abnormal and needs some kind of mental therapy.|||That doesn't sound normal|||thats really odd

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