Sunday, January 1, 2012

How do subway/bus riders compare to people who own cars only in terms of income?

Hello. Has there been a study or report investigating how much money public transportation users earn in average in comparision to people who own cars?|||In some cities, the subways and buses are used by people from all walks of life. In others, where the transportation network is less developed, they are used mainly by poorer people.|||Not that I'm aware of but I know of a couple of people that make more over 6 figures annually but still use the subway/public transit. Their reasoning is that it is both faster than sitting in the daily traffic congestion as well as much less expensive than parking in the downtown core.|||Mike Bloomberg, 8th richest american, richest man in New York City (and the mayor to boot) takes the subway as often has he can.

A good look at the crowds on the subway will show that there is money to found beneth the streets.

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