Sunday, January 1, 2012

What are some cars that compare the the mitsubishi lancer?

im getting a car.

and i want a car that is like the lancer with good gas mileage, fast, and not super expensive.

also it needs to look cool not like an everyday corrola|||Well there is the Yugo, just kidding all of the below were listed as competitors in 2004

Acura TSX

Ford Focus

Kia Spectra

Pontiac Grand Am

Suzuki Aerio

Audi A4

Honda Civic

Kia Spectra (2004.5)

Pontiac Sunfire

Toyota Corolla

Chevrolet Cavalier

Honda Civic Hybrid

Mazda Mazda3

Saturn ION

Volkswagen Golf

Dodge Neon

Hyundai Elantra

Nissan Sentra

Subaru Impreza

Volkswagen R32|||Nothing compares to a Lancer- Their reliability is awful!!!|||**** it.

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