Sunday, January 1, 2012

Why Did Obama Compare People To Cars Yesterday?

Obama said that when you get your car fixed but it still doesnt work and have to bring it back they don't charge you again- BS! They sure do!

Then he said- it should be the same when you go too the doctor, if he doesnt fix you the first time you shouldnt have to pay the second time.. WHAT THE? Are doctors in Chicago really that bad? How did Obama end up in this BUBBLE? WEIRD? No doctor is behind this- this is nonsense!|||That's the way it works at the VA. Any condition that can't be fixed in one visit is never treated again. Veterans with difficult diseases are sent home without treatment. I know because I'm one of them. Obama obviously knows this and thinks its a good idea. If you can't be made healthy, he will not waste any more money on you. It happened to me, now they are offering it to you.|||After law school, he should have gone on to medical school, because he is sounding really ignorant about now.|||Yup you're right. The doctors aren't behind it.

...the insurance companies are.|||So using his line of reasoning, when they get too old, do we put them out of commission too with a silicon type liquid????|||Every fixed car should have a warranty, otherwise people can just do a crummy job. Doctors should do a good job too so patients don't have to keep going back. You never got a warranty before?|||Link please - you've prob. taken his words out of context - again!

Donovan - the AMA is solidly behind the plan - the Cons lies are catching up with you - get a life!|||He places about the same value on both life and cars.|||Apparently to Obambi, people and cars are the same. He is a far left true believer and he wants to destroy our current health care system and replace it with a government run system. But his greatest goal is to remake the USA into a European-style social welfare state. In this way, he can give reparations to his precious black brothers and sisters for slavery.

I agree, Obambi is not doing a good job in selling Obamacare. Most Americans want reform, but not a govt run system.|||It is now time for you to go take a nap.|||i dont care i live in england thanks for 2 points.

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